About Us
Welcome to Mouldtastic
We are an online retailer of silicone moulds and other accessories.
We are your ultimate source of unique and affordable silicone moulds to suit any creative project you set your mind to.
Our moulds are stocked here in Australia (we are not a drop-shipper), so we can offer you a timely, fully-tracked delivery, plus the safety of shopping from an Australian website.
Browse our website for inspiration.
Project Library
Visit our free project library full of easy-to-make recipes incorporating our beautiful moulds.
Mini Heart Epsom Salt Gems
Turn a cup of Epsom salts into these cute mini heart Epsom salt gems to add some pizazz to a relaxing hot bath.
Floral Lotion Bars
Take your favourite lotion bar recipe to a whole other level by moulding it into beautiful flower shapes like these floral lotion bars.
Embedded Carnation Melt and Pour Soap Bars
Time to level-up your soaping skills with this embedded carnation melt and pour soap bar tutorial.
Whimsical Insects Melt and Pour Soap Bars
These Whimsical Insects melt and pour soap bars make a cute addition to any bathroom.